Who is Served?
The ACT program serves adults who are experiencing severe and persistent mental illness or behavioral difficulties.
Ages served: Adults 18 and over.
Why is this Service Offered?
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an evidence-based practice that provides community-based, multidisciplinary mental health treatment for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. The goal of ACT is to lessen or eliminate the debilitating effects that the symptoms of mental illness can have on functioning and quality of life by providing the majority of treatment, rehabilitation, and support services that individuals need to achieve their goals and live independently in their community.
What is the Service?
The services that the teams are required to provide include:
- Service coordination
- 24 Hour Crisis Assessment and Intervention
- Symptoms assessment and Management
- Medication prescription, administration, Monitoring and Documentation
- Co-occurring Substance Use Services
- Employment Services
- Activities of Daily living
- Social Interpersonal Relationship and Leisure-Time Skill Training
- Support services
- Education, support, and consultation to families.

You are eligible to receive services if:
You meet all seven of the admission criteria:
- A primary diagnosis of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, such as schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V or any subsequent revisions thereafter). Individuals with a primary diagnosis of substance use disorder, intellectual disability, or brain injury are not the intended consumer group.
- Must be 18 years of age or older.
- At least two or more acute episodes of psychiatric inpatient treatment within the past 12 months or 30 days or more on an acute psychiatric unit or State Hospital during the last 12 months, or three or more contacts with crisis intervention/emergency services within the past six months.
- Significant difficulty meeting basic survival needs, residing in substandard housing, homelessness, or imminent risk of becoming homeless.
- The individual does not have a primary diagnosis of a Personality Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Intellectual Disability.
- Difficulty effectively utilizing traditional community-based services: outpatient, case management, etc.
- History of inadequate follow through with elements of a treatment/service plan that resulted in member psychiatric or medically instability. OR 8. The individual does not meet all of the admission criteria described above, but is designated as appropriate to receive ACT services by a multidisciplinary team, which includes participation by representatives of CBH Clinical Management in consultation with an ACT provider, CBH physician advisor, or the county Office of Behavioral Health.
Please call 215-728-4565
to obtain additional information.